Sympathy to an employee accused of theft may prove costly.
Articles tagged with:
COVID-19: What must employer do if employee is infected
What to do if an employee contracts Covid-19 and has been in the workplace.
Absenteeism and the Law
Many employers experience problems with employees being absent from work. In fact, in many workplaces absenteeism is a major concern as it impacts negatively on the operational requirements of the...
Myths around sexual harassment in the workplace
Our previous article talked about sexual harassment at year-end office functions and the possibility that there could be sexual harassment claims following such parties. While the rules around...
What constitutes misconduct?
There is no complete or definitive list of types of misconduct that employees can commit at the workplace. Types of misconduct may also differ from company to company as what may be considered as...
Smoke Breaks
Many employers who allow smoking or smoke breaks in the workplace often complain about the amount of productivity that is lost because of the frequent smoke breaks employees take. What makes it...
Workplace Violence
Workplace violence is any form of physical assault, threatening behaviour or verbal abuse occurring in the work setting. What exactly is assault? It is a common law crime defined as "unlawfully and...
Dealing with out-of-office misconduct
Can an employer dismiss an employee for out-of-office misconduct? Is dismissal justified? The answer to that question is “Yes”. An employee could be dismissed for misconduct outside the...
The Difference between Absenteeism, Abscondment and Desertion
Many employers get confused between absenteeism, abscondment and desertion in the workplace, which causes them to deal with it incorrectly. All of them has to do with some form of “absenteeism”, but...
What is Constructive Dismissal?
Questions are often asked around constructive dismissal. What is it? The basics are that constructive dismissal may be defined as “a situation in the workplace, which has been created by the...
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